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Next on Just One More Thing: “Murder, Smoke and Shadows”

Season eight’s “Murder, Smoke and Shadows” has Fisher Stevens as a hotshot young director who resorts to murder when his past sins finally catch up with him. Abed Gheith (Rick and MortyChannel 101) will be on hand to bring it all into focus.


  1. Lisa Stein Lisa Stein

    Have to admit, love this one. Looking forward to podcast.

  2. Ant Ant

    Have to admit, hate this one. Looking forward to the podcast!

  3. Ha, looks like this one will be a real nail-biter!

  4. Jason Brown Jason Brown

    The great thing about this podcast is it’s making me want to rediscover the later era episodes again, faults and all. I’ve the complete series boxset, and whilst I’ve watched the 70’s era episodes loads of times, the latter era…apart from a few episodes, not so much. This is one of the ones I’ve watched a number of times, and still enjoy…

    • The more we get into the 90s episodes, the more kindly I look upon ’em. We’d definitely contributed to their reputation as pale imitations of the 70s, but there really are quite a few good ones in the mix.

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