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The Mind String and How to Pull It

The podcast has finally come around to its final Robert Culp episode, “Double Exposure.” In it, Culp plays Dr. Bart Kepple, an expert in psychological manipulation who uses subliminal filmmaking (with salty expensive snacks and a gun) to murder with his first victim. The second one? He just shoots the guy in a projection booth, nothing too fancy. Joining in is author Jeannie Vanasco (The Glass Eye), who also speaks about her personal experience with the series through her relationship with her father. And hey! Viewer Mail!


  1. Nick Nick

    Listening now – the intro to your episode was so much fun, loved it!!!

  2. stephan stephan

    Great Episode! Personally I always assumed Tanya Baker was the lascivious lady in the short film.

  3. Chana Masaledar Chana Masaledar

    A fun episode, especially the intro.

    I agree with the assessment: this would be an absolutely first-rate Columbo if the plot weren’t so implausible. My personal reaction was “Subliminal cut, my butt.” Oh well; we’ll always have “Death Lends a Hand.”

  4. Rich Weill Rich Weill

    There’s a script flaw in this episode. When Roger White is murdered, Columbo is told: “According to the manager, White must have put [the second] reel on at seven-thirty, and it ran out at five to eight.” Because there was no nickel under the No. 2 projector, Columbo says to Kepple: “Mr. White did not change the second reel. You did.” That puts Kepple in the projection booth of the Magnolia Theatre at 7:30PM, to start the second reel. However, Columbo also tells Kepple: “I was only with you from seven-thirty on.” Both things cannot be true.

  5. Lisa Stein Lisa Stein

    Really enjoyed this episode and the podcast. Great intro and follow up with emails. Was glad to hear doing a couple Mrs Columbo podcasts. Getting separation anxiety already thinking of being just a handful of episodes left.

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