:: TCD Contributor Craig Gaines has a piece in this week’s LA Weekly about the fires in Griffith Park. :: Thirteenth Ave. Retail Market: 1965 [Shorpy] :: New York in 1960 (1935) [Paleo-Future] :: Gallery of Anti-Sit Technology [via BoingBoing]…
What a Character! – The Richmond Spectacles Rich Man
A recurring series in which we take a look back at the city’s most familiar advertising icons. The jaunty figure of the Richmond Spectacles Rich Man still steps lively over Pearl Street, striding across the rooftops of the Deputy Tyrone…
“What Your City is Doing for Climate Change”
This week, Mayors from 30 cities around the world are meeting in New York to discuss their role in helping to curb climate change. Not wanting to be left out of things, Mayor Wilders’ office has sent out a press…
Links of Interest – May 11
:: Propaganda posters from the Great War of the Californias. [MentalFloss] The Great War of the Californias was virtually forgotten only months, actually only days, after it had ended, whenever that was. Its dates are uncertain, lost in a haze…
Friday Facts: Adult Periodicals, Biscuits
:: The city’s fourth largest selection of pornographic magazines for sale can be found at the newsstand on the 200 block of West Elm, across the street from Old City Hall. :: Engineers attempted to use the old steel bridge…
Sutter’s Hill/House/Café
With the official arrival of May Day, the crossroads of Spring and Summer, locals flock out to enjoy Sutter’s Hill. Located between two abandoned railway lines—reminders of the city’s competing railroad companies consolidated out of existence long ago—Sutter’s Hill is…
Links of Interest – May 8
:: What’s Next for US Cities [andrewblum.net] Is [a move toward “walkable urbanity”] a backlash to suburbanization? [Christopher Leinberger:] Since high density was the only option for cities for millennia, I view it as the pendulum swinging back. Demographics are…