Tag: religion

The Bars of St. Mary’s

Liquor permits in the Lawsonhurst district are a bit hard to come by. It’s one of the areas of the city whose spirits laws fall under the stricter 1913 Annexation Plan and as such, it has a fixed number of…

More Christmastime in the City

:: Friday night saw the lighting of the annual Energonistics (formerly Municipal Gas Works) “Eternaflame” menorah, a ten-foot tall structure which consists of a stainless steel set of nine candles, each topped with what will be a constantly burning gas…

Christmastime in the City

As Christmastime approaches, the face of the city tends to drop its often-cynical sneer and begins to sport a smile. The smiles on the faces of innocent children; the smiles on the faces of far-from-innocent retailers; the smiles on the…