Yes, there is a second round of official, city-sponsored fireworks at Founder’s Pier on the riverfront this Wednesday at 8:30 pm, but you’ve seen those before. It’s an okay show, but why not try something a bit different?
– The fireworks after the Elms (probably) lose to the Millionaires at County Stadium will likely be surprisingly good. Every year, it’s a nice, long show with a good finale and if you get the right seats (Sections AA-FF, $10-16), you’ll have a view of the skyline. If you’d like the show without having to hear Lee Greenwood over the public address system, the display is easily visible from the surrounding neighborhoods.
– Speaking of which, we all know that our fair state is not one in which the sale of fireworks is allowed. Luckily, neighboring states are not as uptight in this regard, so rockets and firecrackers are fairly easy to come by. Sure, there’s the occasional crackdown for show and that video of a dummy getting its hands blown off makes the rounds on the local news programs for weeks, but law enforcement tends to look the other way. Because of this, the skies of the entire city seem to light up with impromptu fireworks shows for the days leading up to and including the birthday of our nation.
The best places to watch? Sutter’s Hill offers a nice view of the surrounding Haverton and Trevordale neighborhoods, which have yielded some nice displays in the past… Any one of the Downtown and Central Corridor skyscraper roofs allow for a good view of the riverfront fireworks, as well as the unofficial Belgian Town celebrations… University Center Park… Baxter Park’s World War One Memorial, which is usually supposed to be closed after 6 pm, but come on, we all know that “one guy,” right?
Perhaps the best bet is to just set up a couple of lawn chairs on your front yard or sidewalk or whathaveyou and just see what your own neighborhood has to offer in the way of firepower. Sometimes, just a few kids with sparklers are fine.
Of course, you could just hop in the car, go to one of the surrounding suburbs and catch their deal, but- do you really want to do that?
– RJ White