:: A City Council ordinance passed on this date in 1975 expressly prohibited the “display of images of a licentious, erotic, salient or pornographic nature, or which otherwise arouse the prurient interest for the sole purpose of titillation†on children’s…
Tag: sex
The Brothel Five Levels Below the Street
The old Central Depot, which sat across across Ludlow Plaza from Old City Hall from 1896 until its demolition in 1968, was a wonderful, massive gothic structure, covered in ornament and decoration which one doesn’t find much in today’s construction.…
Nice Work If You Can Get It: Having Your Cake And Respecting It In The Morning
An occasional survey of jobs both unusual and extraordinary, and the people who make them happen. Theron Wagner remembers his bachelor party vividly – it was the day he realized that he might be in the wrong line of work.…