Did Sunday’s editorial cartoon by Journal-Clarion artist Jeff Norwood look familiar? Longtime readers may have noticed that it was identical to the cartoons printed in the paper on the week of Halloween in 2004 and 2000. The cartoon features a…
Tag: newspapers
Odds-On Favorite Retires From Column
This week, the News celebrates the 50th anniversary of its longest-running feature, the “I Make the Odds†column penned since July of 1958 by Harvey Preakston. Preakston, a graduate of City College and the son of former rugby impresario Reginald…
Amandour Prison’s Final Inmate
In 1980 the only remaining state correctional facility within the city limits – Amandour Prison – closed its heavy iron door for last time. The order to shut down the facility, once home to as many as 494 inmates, actually…
It Is an Honor Just to be Nominated
Dubious honors were heaped upon the collective heads of The City Desk this week with the announcement of nominees for the seventeenth-annual SirSirSir Awards, hosted by the Journalists’ Smoking Club. The “Sirries” are a lampoon award granted annually since 1991…
Snapshots: Outside The Journal-American (1940)
A crowd gathers outisde the offices of The Journal-American (now the Journal-Clarion) in 1940. The paper posted headlines of the day in the window of their old building on W. Jackman Avenue until the mid-1950s.
Local Clippings: Barriers Still Unbroken
In Local Clippings, we bring you what we feel are notable items from the city’s newspapers. Today, we bring you the special Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day column from longtime sportswriter Mike Harvey, in today’s Evening Press. NOTE: The…
Friday Facts: Apparently Babies Need Keys and Ham
:: Number of fire department/EMT calls due to fireworks ‘incidents’ on New Year’s Eve: 211 :: Number of fire department/EMT calls due to fireworks ‘incidents’ last July 4th: 213 :: The first baby of 2008 was born in Nilsson-Presbyterian South…
The City’s Letters to Santa
This week, the Journal-Clarion will mail, free to its subscribers, a small soft-cover book entitled The Kringle Memoranda. The book is a handpicked collection of children’s letters to Santa, which the newspaper has been printing in a special supplement in…
Friday Facts: It Isn’t Surprising, the Temperature’s Rising
:: Five of the seven warmest temperatures ever recorded in the city occurred in the current millennium. The other two were in 1988 and 1889. :: If there is a dearth of hot-weather favorite Fla-Vor-Ice at your local Northside market…
Friday Facts: “Bleeping Kids, Bleeping Bleep Ducks”
:: Number of times that there have been cited (by the FCC) instances of accidental profanity on local newscasts- 31 :: Number of these which have resulted in the firing of a local anchor/reporter- 1 (Arthur Stevens, in what has…