Tag: clubs

Mayor Montgomery, Our Own Eliot Spitzer

The unfortunate situation with New York’s Governor Eliot Spitzer has reminded some of a similar controversy which rocked our city in the early 80s. Popular Republican state Representative Karl Montgomery was elected to the mayor’s office in 1980 and had…

This City is Not Very Good at New Year’s

Our city’s reputation for somewhat slipshod urban planning is as much a part of its character, for better or for worse, as is government corruption in Chicago, gridlock in Los Angeles, and chili with spaghetti in Cincinnati. The city particularly…

Thanksgiving and the night before

Tonight is the busiest bar night of the year, often resulting in several impromptu semi-reunions around the city. After the cut, a partial list as to which bars serve as gathering places for alumni from area schools. :: Central South…

The Typesetters Club

This Friday, the Typesetters Club will once again be holding its annual banquet/dance at the downtown Hyatt, the first one they’ve held in six years. The club was founded in 1897 as a place for newspapermen to get together and…