Friday Facts: Max, Stca Fyadirf, Yzumitelno!

:: Greatest decennial population increase (1950 – 1960)- 201,610 :: Actor James Robard once described the City as “The place where my heart has a home.” He had previously said the same of New Orleans, Louisiana and Tucson, Arizona. ::…

What’s Happening! Feb. 8-14

A select listing of notable events around the city in the next week, culled from local publications: Feb. 8 Devil and Ms. Milveaux book reading/signing– Author Margaret Milveaux reads from her locally best-selling book, 7:30 pm, Woldman Heights branch library.…

Something To Which You Should Listen

A couple of months ago, I had to rent a car and drive out to the western part of the state on business, as the company wouldn’t spring for a train ticket. On hour four of my trip, tooling down…

Oh, You Never Knew It! – Jan. 31

:: On this date in 1981, near the end of his third term, City Councilman John Rondo tearfully admitted at a press conference that he was illiterate. This came as quite a shock to most people, particularly his constituents. He…