Friday Facts: Max, Stca Fyadirf, Yzumitelno!

fridayfacts_icn:: Greatest decennial population increase (1950 – 1960)- 201,610

:: Actor James Robard once described the City as “The place where my heart has a home.” He had previously said the same of New Orleans, Louisiana and Tucson, Arizona.

:: The Stander Memorial Gymnasium at Pine Run Junior High School is the only gymnasium in the country named after a former cast member of Hart to Hart.

:: The name of Seventeenth Avenue’s “Hotel Letoh” is a palindrome (a word or phrase reading the same backwards as it does forward), as is Troy Travis Square’s “Cafe du DeFac.” No other business in the City is a palindrome, owing to an ordinance passed in 1996.

:: Number of working farms within the city limits- 1

:: Number of Russian-language newspapers published in the city- 16

:: Number of city-produced Russian language newspapers which are then translated and published in English- 14

:: Total monthly circulation for translated and untranslated Russian-language newspapers- 237,000

:: Total Russian-speaking population in the city as of the 2000 census- Less than 700

:: Wattage of first commercial radio station (1921)- 100

:: Reminder- The compromise version of the controversial new “Jeanie’s Law” goes into effect today. From now on, the use and display of cell phones and iPods while crossing city streets is prohibited on even-numbered streets and odd-numbered avenues downtown Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and alternating Saturdays and Sundays, except for holidays (Federal holidays- apart from Christmas and Thanksgiving- do not affect the schedule).
– D. Andrews, B. Grossblatt, J. Morris, R. White

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