An occasional survey of jobs both unusual and extraordinary, and the people who make them happen.
“What I do,” describes Jeremiah Zjensen, “In a lot of companies, is just a part of the overall picture. Advertising agencies mostly, but also marketing firms, communications directors, public relations. Everyone does it a little bit, it’s just another small cog in their machine.”
“But when you have the focus I do,” he continues, eyes blazing, “You take it to a whole other level.”
Jeremiah Zjensen is a self-described maverick, making a livelihood out of a facet of modern living most of us take for granted. He describes his role as Assertive Communications Expert – that’s A.C.E., according to his business card – but he explains his job to the man on the street as “Acronymizing.”
From the Bleeker Street office which houses the headquarters of the one-man operation (A Single Operator Leveraged Opportunity), Jensen has masterminded some of the most memorable acronyms to hit the city in the last eighteen months. He brainstormed the Humane Society’s P.O.O.C.H. (Pledge Our Obligation to Canine Health) Program, the Jingo Foods V.E.G. (Value, Economy, Good food) pledge, and the mayor’s own C.O.M.B. (Consolidate Our Municipal Bylaws) initiative.
Did he also dream up the imaginative tagline for the mayor’s program; “Let’s C.O.M.B. these silly laws out of our hair”?
“No, that came from the mayor’s marketing director,” replies Jensen “My focus is laser-tight on the acronyms themselves.”
“It requires utter dedication. It’s an artform,” says Jensen, “If I distracted myself with catchphrases, taglines and mottos, I’d lose my E.D.G.E.”
“That’s Exceptional Drive Generating Energy” he adds, beaming.
– Jon Morris
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