Tag: Christmas

The City’s Letters to Santa

This week, the Journal-Clarion will mail, free to its subscribers, a small soft-cover book entitled The Kringle Memoranda. The book is a handpicked collection of children’s letters to Santa, which the newspaper has been printing in a special supplement in…

Go There: Future Christmas Wonderland

Go There is a feature in which our writers tell you about tourist attractions and other places of interest around the city. In 1960, the downtown Osberger’s Department Store unveiled the Future Christmas Wonderland, an audio animatronic attraction that took…

More Christmastime in the City

:: Friday night saw the lighting of the annual Energonistics (formerly Municipal Gas Works) “Eternaflame” menorah, a ten-foot tall structure which consists of a stainless steel set of nine candles, each topped with what will be a constantly burning gas…