Urgent News: Baby Food Recall

As a public service to our readers, we offer the following news item: The City Department of Health Services has announced the discovery of several cases of food contamination in the area. The culprit appears to be a microbe, a…

Friday Facts: Spaghetti, Mad Beats, Otto-Mans

:: The Knights of Pythias annual spaghetti dinner in support of Special Olympics has been canceled this year due to a decline in membership from three to one. Group spokesman, 101 year-old Charlie Cassidy, apologized for the cancellation, citing his…

“Famous Trees In Our City”

With this Friday being Arbor Day, let us take a moment to examine some of this city’s famous foliage. Independence Elm (1781) During colonial times the city was just two muddy streets– a small collection of homes surrounding the church…

The Last Will and Testament of Rory Sheehan

While clearing a block of turn-of-the-century townhouses for a drive-through fondue restaurant, workers in 1973 discovered an artifact from the city’s former days as a gangland paradise. Wedged in between a basement wall was a metal strong box containing the…

What a Character!- What’s Ailing Sol?

A recurring series in which we take a look back at the city’s most familiar advertising icons. We’ve got a patient here with a very long medical history! Let’s see- He’s got chills, fever, aches and pains? Why, someone’s got…

Stuff Sullivan’s “Cylinder of Dominance”

City Council voted Friday to close a loophole in the City Charter that had allowed for one of the odder legal battles in recent history. By a 5-1 margin, council decided to bring the city’s air-rights definitions into conformance with…